Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Call/write etc

Went to last nights dept of park meeting and mentioned the park. And at Mondays city council meeting one of the city council members (claudia balducci) told the park dept to contact me to talk about this. Will meet somone from parks on next tue to go over. In the meantime please keep getting signatures and email or call city council. Thanks

Monday, May 11, 2009


Thanks for the signatures. And James made a speach too. If anyone else wants to come, please do.

Monday, April 20, 2009

a new Bellevue skatepark

We are advocating Bellevue city government to build a new skatepark at Ashwood Park (map). That is the park next to the Bellevue Main Libary (King County Library System). Our plan is to get skaters to advocate, thru petitions or emails or letters or phone calls or vocally. And we plan to get funding from businesses or individuals or government. Ashwood Park is now in the planning process for future changes. This is a great time to advocate for a skatepark there, and it is a great place for a skatepark.

We have just started, but everything has to start somewhere. Please give your support.

Some things you could do:

Ways you could advocate for a skatepark at Ashwood:
#1 Send an email to city council (
#2 Call city council (425-452-7810).
#3 Send a fax to city council (425-452-7919).
#4 Write a letter to city council (City Council, 450 110th ave ne, PO Box 90012, Bellevue, WA 98009)
#5 Go to a city council meeting and say in person (first four Mondays of each month, at city hall, at 6pm on 2nd and 4th Mondays in the council conference room 1E-113 , and at 8pm on 1st and 3rd Mondays in the council chambers 1E-126. Call to confirm time and place before going at 425-452-7810). You don't need to stick around for the whole meeting. It's ok to leave after making your comment during the oral communication time (usually 5-10 minutes after the 6pm or 8pm start)
#6 Go to a parks & community services board meeting and say in person (at city hall, room 1E- 113, 6pm. The next one is May 12th.). Again, you don't have to stay the whole meeting.

If you have any ideas, please tell us them. Our email is
Thanks alot.